Публикации. Кафедра экономики и управления


НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
Scientific analysis of human capital development as the factor of territory competitiveness increase Статьи Недолужко О.В.
Арнаут М.Н.
Russia and China in the global digital space: opportunities for cooperation 34th IBIMA International Conference Доклады Масюк Н.Н.
Risks of implementation of the fisheries development program in the Far Eastern Federal District FarEastCon-2021 — МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ МУЛЬТИДИСЦИПЛИНАРНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ ПО ПРОМЫШЛЕННОМУ ИНЖИНИРИНГУ И СОВРЕМЕННЫМ ТЕХНОЛОГИЯМ Доклады Бубновская Т.В.
Recursion of the Temporal Paradigm of the Digital Economy Accounting научное издание Socio-Economic Systems: Paradigms for the Future серии книг: «Studies in Systems, Decision and Control» Доклады Лебединская Ю.С.
Rating assessment of the sustainable development of the Russian Far East entities in accordance with the UN environmental goals Статьи Титова Н.Ю.
Public administration in the context of reflection of the modern innovative digital level of economic development Статьи Петрук Г.В.
Psychological Features of Perception of Supervisor by the Subordinates 35th IBIMA International Conference Доклады Масюк Н.Н.
Ports Located in South of Primorsky Territory as Part of International Logistic Chains. Prospects of Digitalization and Establishing Unified Regional System of Effective Management IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 666 (2021) 062087 International science and technology conference "Earth science" 8 - 10 December 2020, Vladivostok, Russian Federation Доклады Гриванова О.В.
Гриванов Р.И.
New Generation Mobile Networks and Their Application in Electronic Learning Статьи Разумова Ю.В.
Modernization processes as a factor of construction and transformation of the system of territorial structures on the example of the territory of the south of the Far East WFSDS Доклады Петрук Г.В.
Лебединская Ю.С.
Кошевая Е.С.
Methodological issues of strategic planning in enterprises to address climate change Статьи Осипов В.А.
Красова Е.В.
Iterations of Digital Transformation of Human Capital in the Development of Economic Growth Drivers научное издание Socio-Economic Systems: Paradigms for the Future серии книг: «Studies in Systems, Decision and Control» Доклады Лебединская Ю.С.
Investment attractiveness assessment mechanism of the fishery industry on the basis of comprehensive assessment Статьи Самарина Н.С.
Ослопова М.В.
Гаджибек В.П.
Influence of the financial knowledge index on forming a strategy for financial behavior of financial services consumers 34th IBIMA International Conference Доклады Масюк Н.Н.
Increasing the availability of financial services in remote, sparsely populated and hard-to-reach regions through the development of an entrepreneurial initiative in rural tourism Innovative Economic Symposium Potential of the Eurasian Economic Union Доклады Масюк Н.Н.