Публикации. Кафедра экономики и управления


НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
Влияние мирового кризиса на страховые компании Восточный базар Статьи Бондаренко Т.Н.
Влияние миграционных процессов на социальные отношения в обществе Статьи Лобода О.В.
Влияние демогргафической структуры населения на экономику Дальнего Востока Экономические и правовые аспекты регионального развития: история и современность Доклады Королёва Э.В.
Анализ мотивации работника как основа выбора управляющих воздействий Инновационный потенциал психологии в развитии современного человека Доклады Бараусова Е.А.
The role of the university in the citizens’ financial competence improvement in Russia and in countries of the New Silk road Business & Economic Cooperation among the Silk Way Countries: Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference. Доклады Самсонова И.А.
The Problems that Interfere the Development of Trade and Economic Relations in Fish Industry Business & Economic Cooperation’s among the Silk Road Countries Доклады Ворожбит О.Ю.
The influence of a world financial crisis on consumer crediting in Russia Сб. Материалов 7-ой международной конференции «Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads», Изд-во: Almaty Доклады Смольянинова Е.Н.
The influence financial crisis on consumer crediting in Russia Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads Доклады 2009
The corporation development investment program optimization model considering crisis and post-crisis period risks Logos Management Review Статьи Терентьева Т.В.
Мазелис Л.С.
The basic tendencies of interaction between educa-tional institutions and busi-ness environment in the con-ditions of economy globalization Сб. Материалов 7-ой международной конференции «Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads», Изд-во: Almaty Доклады Смольянинова Е.Н.
The basic tendecies of interaction between education institutions and business environment in the conditions of economy globalization Seeking Ways for Business and Economic Cooperation among the Nations Along the Silk Roads Доклады 2009
The approach to the model of an international scientific and educational center valuation Business & Economic Cooperation among the Silk Road Countries Доклады Луговой Р.А.
Жилина Л.Н.
Problems of the govermtent policy in international labor migration on the Far East of Russia Business & Economic Cooperation among the Silk Road Countries Доклады Красова Е.В.
Optimal Linear Representations of Images Under Diverse Criteria: Geometric Tools for Finding Linear Projections Монографии 2009
Optimal linear projections for enhancing desired data statistics Statistics and Computing Статьи 2009