Публикации. Кафедра экономики и управления


НазваниеЖурналВид материалаАвторыГод издания
А судьи кто? Справочник по управлению персоналом Статьи Могилёвкин Е.А.
XII всероссийская конференция молодых учёных «История и культура Дальневосточной России и стран АТР» Статьи 2010
Trends in the development of Russian-Korean trade cooperation in the Primorsky region in the 2000’s The 8th International Joint Conference «Green Growth Strategy of SME in the New Silk Road Countries» Доклады Красова Е.В.
The organizations for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Green Growth Strategy of SMEs (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) in the New Silk Road Countries” Доклады Николаева Л.А.
The Contraditions of the Development of the Russian Far East in the Context of International Relations Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation: Korea and Russia – National Interests? Roles and Prospects // Symposium in Vladivostok, 2010 (October 13th-15th) / editor A.A. Breslaves. – Vladivostok: VSUES, 2010. - 24-27 pp. Доклады Медведева Л.М.
Russian perspectives on the US-Japan Security alliance Монографии Севастьянов С.В.
Russia – Republic of Korea: the potential of international collaboration Green Growth Strategy of SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) in the Silk Road Countries Доклады Комиссарова В.В.
Optimal linear projections for data statistics Statistics and Computing Статьи 2010
Leasing as a way of small business financing in Russia: Logos Management Review Статьи Матвейчук Л.И.
Financing of nature protection actions due to use of ecological funds Proceeding (Part 1) of The 8th Int’l Joint Conference «Green Growth Strategy of SMEs» Доклады Корень А.В.
Financing of innovation as a tool for development of ecological capacity of the region Proceeding (Part 1) of the 8-th int Доклады Смольянинова Е.Н.
Бондаренко Т.Н.
Financial Analysis Models Green Growth Strategy of Small and Medium sized Enterprises In the New Silk Road Countries Доклады 2010
Efficiency of the investment project: ecological aspect Green Growth Strategy of SMEs in the New Silk Road Countries Доклады Ослопова М.В.
Efficiency of the investment progect: ecological aspect Green Growth Joint Conference Доклады Ослопова М.В.
Варкулевич Т.В.
4.2. Трансграничные регионы в системе национальных интересов современного государства / ГЕОПОЛИТИЧЕСКИЙ ПОТЕНЦИАЛ ТРАНСГРАНИЧНОГО СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА СТРАН АЗИАТСКО-ТИХООКЕАНСКОГО РЕГИОНА Монография Монографии Тушков А.А.